
Welcome to Year 6

Y6 welcome image

Welcome to Year 6! We are very excited to be working with the children in their last year at Boothville Primary School. Although there is a lot of hard work to be done, we will have a lot of fun along the way.

In our year group, we have three classes named after books by Michael Morpurgo – Kensuke’s Kingdom (Mrs Ferrison & Mrs Freeman), Silver Swan (Miss Dixon) and Butterfly Lion (Mrs Ransom).

We are also lucky to have lots of other adults teaching and supporting in our year group: Miss Payne (English), Mr Smith, Mrs Rahman, Mrs Lewin.

If you want to get in touch then please email our class addresses:



Can you spot us?

Year 6 have been learning about Natural Selection in Science. In particular, they have found out about how the peppered moth adapted to its changing environment during the Industial Revolution to increase its chance of survival against predators. Can you spot our moths and how they have used camouflage to blend in with the classroom environment?


Analysing artists

Year 6 have been learning about the 7 elements of art: colour, line, tone, form, space, shape and texture and how these are the essential components of any piece of artwork. They have been studying the work of David Hockney, Paula Rego and Richard Brakenburg to interpret the narratives and emotions behind some of their work as well as the elements of art encorported by the artist. The children particularly enjoyed using oil pastels to create abstract art in the style of Fiona Rae.
