
Welcome to Year 6

Y6 welcome image

Welcome to Year 6! We are very excited to be working with the children in their last year at Boothville Primary School. Although there is a lot of hard work to be done, we will have a lot of fun along the way.

In our year group, we have three classes named after books by Michael Morpurgo – Kensuke’s Kingdom (Mrs Ferrison & Mrs Freeman), Silver Swan (Miss Dixon) and Butterfly Lion (Mrs Ransom).

We are also lucky to have lots of other adults teaching and supporting in our year group: Miss Payne (English), Mr Smith, Mrs Rahman, Mrs Lewin.

If you want to get in touch then please email our class addresses:



Fraction Posters

In Year 6, we have been learning how to use all four operations on fractions. There are so many rules to remember so a poster is a good way to remember the key steps. Our children have really enjoyed designing the posters to show their understanding of these skills and create a visual reminder which can be displayed in the classrooms.


Clay heads with attitude!

As part of our ‘Make my Voice heard’ art project, the children have enjoyed working with clay to produce sculptures to display their chosen emotions. They had lots of different ideas about how to approach the task and we’re really pleased with the outcomes.
